Does Your Heating System Need Frequent Repairs?
The costs of replacing different components in your furnace can really add up if it needs to be done on a regular basis. If frequent repairs are the norm, this may be a sign that your heating system is experiencing a lot of wear and tear, which can reduce the efficiency of the system. It would be better to replace it with a new, more efficient system than to keep putting money into equipment that won't be as efficient even after repairs.
Does Your Heating System Seem Noisy?
Have a Team Tebby specialist assess your furnace to determine the source of the noise. In a forced warm air heating system, noisiness could suggest that you have undersized ducts, or that fans or blowers have either not been properly attached to the house structure or are lacking in maintenance.
Unexpected breakdowns can be costly and inconvenient. Ensure proper operation of your equipment by scheduling an annual heating maintenance appointment with one of our Team Tebby professionals.
Are Some of Your Rooms Too Hot or Cold?
If you're noticing significant temperature differences from room to room, it could be that your heating system is not operating properly. You could also have duct problems, or it could be an issue with insulation. These are just some of the signs that you may need new heating system. For more information contact us today – we can answer any questions you may have, and assess your needs to determine which heating or cooling system is right for your home.